Empowering Sustainable Energy Solutions

At JL Energy Advisors, we guide organizations through the complexities of electrification and battery energy storage development and strategy for innovative and practical solutions to achieve highly effective results

A close-up view of a person interacting with a white electric bicycle, focusing on the battery compartment labeled 'Evelo'. The setting appears to be indoors in a bicycle shop, with several other bicycles visible in the background.
A close-up view of a person interacting with a white electric bicycle, focusing on the battery compartment labeled 'Evelo'. The setting appears to be indoors in a bicycle shop, with several other bicycles visible in the background.

Who Are We?

JL Energy Advisors was founded in 2024 by Joe LoGrasso, a respected industry executive in battery and e-mobility development and strategy with 34 years of electrification and battery engineering and leadership experience across multiple mobility applications

We specialize in battery applications support, business development, engineering execution, and strategies to ensure effective decision making and partnerships that drive success in the rapidly evolving electric mobility sector.

gray drone
gray drone
black and grey electric minibike
black and grey electric minibike

What Do We Offer?

Expert guidance in electrification and battery solutions for sustainable energy advancements and strategic development.

Supplier Development

Focused on battery supplier selection and project execution to seek best energy storage technology solutions for improved operational efficiencies. We assist businesses in selecting and developing reliable Lithium Ion battery cell and pack integration suppliers. We assist suppliers in matching to potential customers

Strategic Advisory

Providing innovative strategies for navigating electric mobility challenges and maximizing market opportunities through identification, selection and analysis of optimal energy storage technology & supply solutions as well as guidance in business intelligence and organizational planning.

Our expertise supports organizations in requirements, engineering development, and implementation execution of effective battery energy storage solutions for electrification projects during the entire product lifecycle

Execution Support

What Makes Us Qualified?

Leverage extensive industry experience and contacts to help solve your challenges

  • 34 years of vehicle electrification, battery, and controls experience spanning across multiple transportation mobility applications (automotive, heavy duty/marine, power sports)

  • Executive electrification leadership in three OEMs and one Battery Supplier

  • Led battery development at General Motors, Stellantis NA, XALT Energy, & Polaris

  • Experience leading in areas of Cell Development & Qualification, Battery System & Pack Development, BMS HW/SW development, Battery Quality/Service, and Life Estimation, Battery pack and cell testing.

  • Extensive battery industry contacts across OEM Customers, supply chains, and global regions

  • Leader in strategic development of OEM planning for battery technology and supply on mobility projects

  • Experience working closely w/battery suppliers in development and launch of new products

  • Industry experience in leadership and advisory capacity for US Advanced Battery Consortium/Batt500, NaatBATT International, ASPIRE NSF Engineering Research Center, Swappable Motorcycle Battery Consortium.

  • Advisory board experience with multiple battery cell developers

A person is installing or removing a battery pack from an electric bicycle. The individual is wearing a watch on the left wrist, and the bicycle features a robust frame. The setting appears to be outdoors on a paved surface.
A person is installing or removing a battery pack from an electric bicycle. The individual is wearing a watch on the left wrist, and the bicycle features a robust frame. The setting appears to be outdoors on a paved surface.
Unique Experience:
  • Spans understanding of battery energy storage technologies and needs for full range of mobility applications from Heavy duty truck & marine/Automotive/UTV & ATV/Motorcycle/Ebike

  • Developed technology and supply strategic plans for automotive and powersports applications.

  • Organization Capability Development and hiring -designed org structure, interviewed, hired & recruited to grow four battery engineering organizations

  • Technical vetting of advanced electric propulsion and energy storage technologies as part of M&A and Venture opportunities at GM, FCA/Stellantis, Polaris.

  • Deep experience with battery supply base and industry leaders including Lithium Ion battery suppliers and pack integrators in US and Asia.

  • Led development of battery safety requirements and technical compliance/mitigation actions in automotive and power sports applications including thermal propagation and fire safety.

  • Experience in application of battery chemistries and cell technologies from PbA to NiMH to LiIon in production.

  • Innovation leadership including participating in innovation review boards and patent portfolio strategy development. 5 awarded patents and 4 defensive publications. 3 time awardee of exclusive GM Boss Kettering Award for most impactful inventions to the business.

  • Led internal OEM efforts for battery supplier technical and manufacturing quality assessments